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Old 05/26/08, 05:09 PM   #7
Ranger In Training
Join Date: 03/19/08
Posts: 93

Dislikes of the Power Rangers Operartion Overdrive series:
Also keep in mind that I will not list "Needed more episodes" as a con. Nor will I list that the story was "Too centered on the Red Ranger" or contained "Too many explosions" as a con. Those three are just common knowledge for all of the series.

Operation Overdrive

1. Will was a jerk.
2. Will saying he learned the value of teamwork at the ender, yet from episode one until the final 2 episodes he was resistant of being part of a team.
3. The "black" guy being a jerk.
4. The "black" being the thief.
5. A power Ranger being a thief.
6. The Racecar Driver didn't get the Racecar Zord.
7. Will using super-speed when it was Ronny's power
8. Having genetic Powers.
9. Genetic Powers were barely used.
10. Vella just appears at the end of the story.
11. Tyzonn was a serious character and could have possibly been the best sixth Ranger, then he became a comic relief character. Then he became Dax.
12. Tyzonn mimicking Will.
13. Lack of Spencer. He seemed to get dropped into the background.
14. Dax had no personality at all. He was the martial arts stunt man yet he never got to lead in battle or develop strategic maneuvers.
15. "Crown and Punishment" ender needed a second part to tie up the loose ends. (Mainly Vella).
16. Ronny's Bulldozer Claw weapons.
17. Thrax's existence was not explained further than he was the son of Rita & Zedd.
18. How come the Morphing Grid didn't work for the OO Rangers and Sentinel Knight could not restore their Powers or the Morphing Grid, yet he could restore five other Rangers powers regardless of the morphing grid not working?? (ermm....)
19. Bridge being in OaR. Travel to the future for ONE Ranger? Why not just use another that existed in the OO timeline? The other 4 did.
20. Alpha being as tall as everyone else.
21. Alpha being able to actually be inside the morphing grid.
22. Lack of Camdor/Miratrix "2 years ago" backstory
23. The re-designed Black Ranger costume.
24. Lack of Mighty Morphin' music playing for Adam's intro and fight scenes.
25. If the new team went to Angel Grove to get Alpha 6, where was everyone else who served as Rangers? Is Adam the only former ranger who still lives in Angel Grove?
26. The OO Rangers giving up & disbanding from the mission & each other just because they were no longer Power Rangers.
27. Never got to see Moltar or Flurious's human forms before they got transformed.
28. The intro song lyrics were horrible. Made no change when a sixth was added. And it was rap. Rap does not belong in Power Rangers. EVER. The opening theme background music was good.
29. Too much slang and ebonics.
Everything else in that season I did like.
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