Thread: But really
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Old 01/14/16, 11:27 PM   #2
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Default Re: But really

because they wanted to keep Grimlord around for the next season since I'm sure they knew they were going to be using Oraclon, Despera and them for the second season and Oraclon didn't have a body except for that one fight so they wanted to have an evil leader that could actually walk around in both realities.

and in the case of the cancellation of the show no one really knows the true reason but the best guess that I can give you is because of footage reasons since it was adapted from a Japanese series called Metal Heroes and there weren't many options left so that they could give one of the other suits to Kaitlin and they probably didn't want to keep on creating new footage for it either since pretty much all of the Metal Heroes stuff in regards to suits that it is likely would've been unusable.
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