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Old 07/12/20, 09:48 AM   #15
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: How did Rita end up with the Dragon Coin?

Maybe Ninjor created two sets of Dino Coins - ones that come with Ranger suits with sheilds alike that of the Green Ranger and the regular, sheild-less ones. The sheild-less powers were much more stable and for some reason, inaccessible to Rita, which was not the case with the sheild-based version of the powers. Because none of the powers were meant for evil use, Rita's versions of the Dino powers quickly ran out because her evil magic was causing power issues. Since she only experiemnted with the 5 main sheild-based versions of the Dino powers, the Dragon coin from her set remained intact. The other version of the Dragon coin was lost during a battle and was never found, destroyed or was never even made.

Since Ninjor did create all of the power coins, this explaines how are the Dragonzord and the other 5 Dinozords completely compatible for Megazord combinations.

And since Tommy is now in control of the Green Ranger Powers and since there is no more Rita's evil magic, the Dragon coin had returned to full power and its full potential.
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