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Old 08/27/06, 12:45 AM   #1
Power Ranger
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Default major question for everyone from your fave person..jdff4l

okie dokie. major question. you all can respond if you want. it's just something on my mind. well the question ain't really a question. i just wanna know you're point of view on it.

we all know that religion is a major part of who someone is. there are tons of christians out there, you see a holy war going on. but think about it. there's more than just christianity in the world. there are many religions. i'm not a christian. i'm a wiccan. now many of you might wonder what a wiccan is. well, it's just a neo-pagan. pagan was the religion that caused people to burn other people. most people say that christians were the first ones to burn witches, but actually, pagans burned the christians first. many people don't know it or they do and just don't wanna accept the fact that christianity wasn't always the dominant religion. what's so wrong with being wicca??? there's nothing bad in it. many chrisitans look at it as dark magick, but it's not. it's good magick. yes, there's dark magick, but there's a little karma thing and a rule that says not to harm anyone so even if someone did do dark magick, they'd most likely have it backfire on them and be in a world of hurt. many people are mean to those of the wiccan religion. i think it's wrong when people do that. it's discrimination. who knows, maybe the christian religion is right about jesus and everything. no one knows which religion is the right one and i hate bible bangers cuz they always say that christianity is the only way and it's not. there are many ways and no one will know the right way until the end of the world and i doubt the end of the world is comming soon.

you all give me your opinions about religion. you can talk about any religion in the world wether it's buddism, hinduism, wicca, christianity, jewish, muslim, satism, anything. just let me know what you think. if ur mad about something a certian religion is doing, say it here. i wanna know.

your fave person in the world,
JasonDavidFrankFan4Life.....haha i may not be ur fave person in the world, but i bet i'm ur fave person on here!!!!!
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