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Old 10/23/14, 10:02 PM   #3
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Default Re: What do people think of Amit Bhaumik and his ideas? Potential comic ideas

They're o.k. I'm just not too fond of how he thinks a lot of his ideas are supposed to be any more official then other people's fan fiction just because he was an actual writer on the show once.

There's parts of the Hexagon idea I like such as two ranger teams with different approaches to being Power Rangers, and Tommy, and Jason being the mentors.

But I'm not sure that I like the idea of Tommy going mad with power, and becoming a bad guy, or the Red Ranger being a past villain's son, and becoming a bad guy because you can't fight fate.

His Samurai idea sounds good but then again Samurai was one of those seasons even I think I could have done better.

Not sure what I think of his Go Buster/Energy Chasers idea because on one hand it sounds like it's just him trying to throw random continuity references even if they don't make sense but on the other hand I'm not sure what I would come up with since I don't want to make Go Buster: the American version but I'm not sure what else I would do.
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