Thread: Ranger Powers
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Old 09/04/12, 05:01 PM   #8
Putty Patroller
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Default Re: Ranger Powers

I've heard of that comic. It was a Power Rangers Zeo comic, where Lord Zedd harnessed the energies of the original power coins and the Zeo Rangers, plus Jason, since this is supposed to be after he had returned the Gold Ranger powers to Trey of Triforia. Zedd wanted to make Dark Rangers using the power coins, but he lost them, or something happened so he couldn't.

In the Power Rangers in Space review he did, Linkara gave a theory, that when the Thunderzords were destroyed and created the massive power surge that destroyed the Command Center's power core, damaged the Dino power coins, and the original power morphers, and stripped the Rangers of their Morphin powers, was indeed just that, a power surge. It just blocked the Rangers' access to their powers and since the Command Center was damaged, and Zordon didn't create the power coins, he couldn't fix them. At least not in time to prevent Rito from destroying Angel Grove. And, it would also explain why Rita or the Wizard of Deception was able to fully recharge the Dragon power coin, restoring the Green Ranger powers, in order to give them to Tommy's clone.

Ninjor created the Dino and Ninja power coins, but it seems that Rita herself created the Green power coin, which is why she was able to control the Dragonzord, and drain Tommy of his powers with the Green Candle, once he'd touched the wax that created the candle, and why Lord Zedd was able to use whatever was left of the Green Ranger powers to create the four Power Candles to drain the other Rangers of their powers in 'Missing Green'.

Anyway, given enough time, it's possible that Tommy and Hayley could've studied the original Ranger technology and repair the Tyrannosaurus power coin and morpher, so Jason could utilize the Tyrannosaurus powers if necessary. And, in Adam's case, the Sentinel Knight had the ability to restore the Mastodon power coin, giving Adam his powers back. But that makes me wonder why the Sentinel Knight couldn't repair the part of the Morphing Grid the Overdrive Rangers used for their powers when Thrax destroyed it. The writers probably just used that as an excuse to bring Alpha 6 back.
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