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Old 10/21/06, 08:28 PM   #1
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 10/21/06
Posts: 11
Default "The Rider" The ride begins

Part 1 - How the starting, started

Adam was look out of the window of the dorm it was raining he was think of when his parents died, in that car accident. Nobody was there for him, he was all by himself, his family and freinds left him. The only reason he was able to still live and go to collge was because of a good freind his parents made during the cold war that was able to give him some money. He glanced out and then just looked back at his book,he was trying to get a doctors degree in history, he was studying world war 2, and the cold war. Suddenly there was a knock at the door it was Adam's parents freind from the cold war, general Andrew. "We need to talk" said the general. "About what?" said Adam. "You see there were plans for a ultimate wepon during world war two but it was kept highly secret, it was even more secret than tthe atomic bombs, but after the war it was still continued just in case, but during the pedrancy of nixon, who didn't like it, it was disclosed, but when the regan predincay came he had restated and made so that even presidents after him wouldn't know about it, but the wepon took a dna sample from one of the air force members with a scaner, the air force had tried to find out who DNA it belonged to, then we found out it belonged to your dad, but that is when the accident happened and he died, but we had also found out that the next closes thing to your dad would be you,so will you willingly accepct it?". " I guess so what do you want me to do?". "we need you to change it that way some one else can ust the suit.". "Okay that doesn't sound so hard". " so when are we going?" said Adam. "Right now" said the general (Adam and general Andrew walk outside and see an amored car that doubles as a Hummer V9 that is in an disguise of an hummer V5 ) "I thought they haven't even made a hummer V6 yet." said Adam. "Oh yes they have now come on it is going to take a while for us to get to Alaska." said general Andrew. (The two get into the Hummer and start going) As Adam is going in he wonders why Alaska?

( 99/100 of the way to the base) General Andrew told Adam to wake up. As Adam started to open his eyes he started to hear something. "What was that?" asked Adam. " Welcome to area defender." Said Andrew. Adam looked up he saw a huge air force base. ( A couple of minutes later in the air base) "So where exactly is this suit?" asked Adam. "In here" Replied Andrew ( They walked up to a door thay says "Warning do not enter, High persenol only" and right next to it was a card key slot, then general Andrew tooked out a card key and slid the card key through the card key slot and he said " come in" the two walk into the door leading to a tunnle that goes upward. After they walked a while they were in a dome In this dome there was an orb and in this orb was an liquid but Adam started to hear something. "What was that?". "What are you talking about?" said general Andrew. "Never mind must had be my imagination, but what is this wepon going to be use against?" said Adam Suddenly there was a loud noise and a blast through the wall and then there was a gunshot and someone died. "Them thoses are the terroists we are fighting against (he points at a bunch of people dresed in completley in black and with a black mask on) And they killed the only person who was trained to where the suit, agent q"

To be contuine
Who are these people? Who will wear the suit now? Who would be a agent called agent q?
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Old 10/21/06, 08:29 PM   #2
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 10/21/06
Posts: 11

Part 2 - Can't start a ride with out a rider

"So now what?" Asked Adam. "You try to dodge the bullets." Said Andrew. The terroists then shot a couple of scientis. As Adam was watching the chaos going he started to here the same voice from before but this time it was getting louder and could almost make out what it was saying, it sort of sounded like a shallow voice it was saying "Come to the suit for you are the chosen one". Adam then said "cover me." General Andrew then just shot a terroist with a gun and asked why. Adam then replied with " I don't know why but I think the suit has chosen me for a reason." Andrew then said okay. As they were making thier way across the chaos there were a couple of dead bodys and a lot of stray bullets. Just about when they were close to the orb general Andrew got shot in the heart. Adam rushed back to him but Andrew told him that it was to late for him and to go get the suit. Adam then finaly made it to the orb but realized that it was made out of glass. Adam then said "Now what? I can't get in unless I slam my body into it.". The voice then told him to do it. Adam then replied with " I'm not crazy." The voice then replied with "Do it or millons will die.". Adam then said "Here goes everything" he then slamed himself into the orb but when he got into it he wass bloody and covered up with glass, then he failed to the bottom of the orb painfuly. Then the liquid came up to him and started to cover him up. Adam then started to fill energized and his wounds stoped hurting, and he looked at his body, it was covered up with black and he had a vest and two scarfs on and then he noticed he an helmet on. The voice then told him " Go fight the enemies". Adam then leaped out of the orb and realized his jumping ability has increased as he was right next to an terroist, he then hit the terroist as hard as he could, after he stoped punching him, he realized he was dead, he then got baraded by bullets but amazingly didn't get wounded instead the suit was absorbing it. Adam then said "What is going on?" The voice then replied with "I'm able to to absorb the bullets for you, since I'm the suit." Adam then replied with "Wait how are you able to communicate with me then?", the suit then replied with" I devloped a physic bond with you so we are able to communicate mentaly." Adam then replied with " So you did it without permission?" The suit then replied with a yes, Adam then asked " Can I use a wepon somehow?" The suit then said "Yes and to make one you gather enough materials, which you have so just imagine a sword and it shall be there." Adam then said okay and started to imagine a sword. A sword then appeared with a glass handle, and sword made of led. Adam then ran up to a group of terroist and slashed them with the sword, they quickly died soon after, he then he ran up to the main group and started to slash like there was no tommorwo, then there was only one teroist left, the terroist then said "General we need you help" but Adam then killed him just after he finished saying that, After that there was another blast at the wall and after the smoked disappeared there was a figure in metallic armor, with an jet pack on, and a gun and sword at each end, he then said " Prepare to die at the hands of general Yizheng"

To be countinue
Who are these terroist and what do they want? Find out next chapter
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Old 10/21/06, 08:30 PM   #3
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 10/21/06
Posts: 11

Part 3 - Raguzamo (Where did I get this weird name? No I'm serious this name is weird. Why am I telling you this? I got problems.)

As Adam was finished looking at his opponet he then says "What do terroists want? Yizheng then replied with "We want the suit and we are going to kill you for it" He then shoots at Adam with a laser who thought he could absorb it just lets himself get hit by it, but it actually hurts as he absorbs it, the suit then says "You are okay when you abosrb stuff that isn't like light but when it is your going to get hurt". Yizheng then shoots at Adam again but this time he dodges and then tries to run up to Yizheng to hit him with his sword but the sword breaks because of the amror. Adam then says "Okay that doesn't work." hE THEN PUNCHES THE AMROR BUT DOESN'T WORK ETHEIR. Yizheng then slashes him with his laser sword and that sends Adam across the dome. Adam then gets back up he then thought up of a idea. He abosorbed a bunch of glass and forged them into amror and then quickly ran up to Yizheng who then hit him with the laser sword but It didn't work so Yizheng droped the wepons and started chasing Adam using his fists but Adam then quickly grabed the wepons and droped the amror and absorb the wepons painfully but then said "Ha I took your wepons, now what are you going to do?" Yizheng got a grin on his his face and then said "Ha, simple I'll just use the one of the most powerful wepons ever, the laser explosion bomb, and guest what, it has infintive uses, so prepare to die." Yizheng then threw the bomb at Adam and it explouded and sent Adam to a wall ,Adam falled back to where the bomb was and it explouded again and then Adam felled back to the bobm and the process kept on happening until Adam was able to stay in the air long enough to dodge the laser, he quickly abosrbes the bomb though it hurrts alot, Adam then runs up to Yizheng and as he is punching him with the bomb fused to his fist he says "Laser rave explousion" As he is punching Yizheng the bomb is showing beutiful neon lights lasers that are hitting Yizheng breaking his amror from the regular bomb explousion and then killing him is the lasers. As Adam gets back up he realized he was almost out of strentgh, he then grabed some materials and made a mortocycle, he started to drive out of the hole realizing that the mortocycle could fly and turn him and it invisible, Adam then asked the suit how it could do this. The suit then said" Never mind that, all will be explained tommorow, right now you need to get home and rest."

To be continue

Will all of the origins be explained?
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Old 10/21/06, 10:21 PM   #4
Join Date: 12/23/07
Posts: 39
Thumbs up

Very Well done *Clap Clap Clap*
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Old 10/22/06, 09:15 PM   #5
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 10/21/06
Posts: 11

Part 4 - origins

As soon as Adam got home he went to bed uickly, in the morning he got up and he fixed himself breakfest. After he was done eating, the suit started talking to him "You see my origins are not of this planet, or solar system.". Adam then asked "Really where are you from?", the suit then replied with "A place that name is so long that it would take 50 of your human years to pronouce, so lets not even bother with it.", Adam then said "So why did you come here?", the suit then replied with "Well you see, I'm a bio suit, which was made by an an aceinct race that is now exctint, you see the reason that the race is now exctint is that they made things like me by the mass for things other than war, but then One evil started using the suit for evil, so a great war had started that wiped out race completely. During the end of the war one wise sage said that one organism that will have been chosen shall save the universe, but not a lot belived this, but the few that did organized a plan to send 50 of the suits to earth, so during WW2 I was discovered by the Americans, and they captured me and studied me, but durning a study at base Eagle I took a DNA sample by a scan and took one of your dad, but he then died and I rembered what the sage said and I waited for you to come along and they then took me to base Defender where I met you, so that where we are at right now.", Adam then thought of something and asked "Wait what about the other 49?" the suit then replied with "Well some of those were a different type that could turn into solids and some of those were based on the elements, there were alot of different types but some of those could be used for evil, but I'm a uniqe type of suit, you see I'm able to turn materials into different things that are capable of alot of things. That I'll you should know for now" Adam then said okay, and he then turn on the T.V. and turned to the news, there was a terroist attack at a city, Adam then uickly got covered up by the suit and rode the mortcyclce to the city, when he got there a Terroist asked him who he was, Adam replied with "Who am I, I'm the Rider!!!!!!" Adam the quickly sprang forward to save the day.

The End (For this story arc)

Don't worry there will be more soon, and a spin off sorta of.
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